Sissy Spacek – Sepsis CD
Second Layer Records – SLR012 UK Electronic, Jazz. Musique Concrète, Experimental https://youtu.be/-p1rfGNrwHc?si=sCxBibrzRlQ14YQg
Sissy Spacek – Formation CD
Daymare Recordings – DYMC-308 Japan フォーマット: CD, Album Electronic,Experimental, Drone, Abstract Numbing: Charlie Mumma—Drums, John Wiese—Bass/Electronics. Rec 7 Aug 2014 At Seahorse Sound, Los Angeles, California. Engineered By Samur Khouja. Visual Echo: Assm 25 Nov 2014 At The Confessional, Los Angeles, California. Marble: Assm 06 Jan 2017, Avenel, New Jersey. https://youtu.be/jjsiCjhqvfI?si=qAJxViewzg_RZJ9A
Sissy Spacek – Spirant CD
Daymare Recordings – DYMC-307 (Japan) Noise, Abstract, Experimental https://youtu.be/jJoxW7nbYb8?si=4K1t2LjAcNqUcfbI
[...]dotsmarkリリースCD。 "KING OF NOISE"!今年結成40周年を迎えた世界を代表するノイズバンド・非常階段と、昨年[…]dotsmarkのマネジメントにより初来日を果たしたUSブラー・グラインドSISSY SPACEKの初のコラボレーションアルバム。昨年のSISSY SPACEK日本滞在時に録音された非常階段とのコラボレーション、秋葉原GOODMANで行われた両バンドにテンテンコも加えてのセッションに加え、同日の非常階段のソロライヴ、SISSY SPACEKの未発表ソロ音源も同時収録。US盤とは異なるトラックリストで日本盤の登場です。8Pブックレットには坂口卓也氏によるライナーノーツ収録。 購入特典としてステッカー付き。 1.Amok Time(非常階段 x Sissy Spacek) 11:42 2.Seven Directions(非常階段 x Sissy Spacek - テンテンコ参加) 04:47 3.Necro Ton(Sissy Spacek) 29:16 4.Live at Akihabara Club Goodman(非常階段) 29:50
Subklinik - Cremator
deathbed tapes(USA)リリースカセット Recorded at House of Molestation Studio in the Fall/Winter of 1997 Remixed 02/12/99 Originally released to CDr on Slaughter Productions in 2000 https://youtu.be/yrNiKC_Vsw4 https://youtu.be/0taVKg1c4yk?si=nCnzsP5gOAk7ZgT6
GUILTY C. - Downpour Shammer. (SP-PACK CD)
ドクロの使者、2014年リリース作品。土砂降りするウソとペテンが欠壊し、 残虐無慈悲なハーシュ・フィードバックが不安と恐怖を増幅させる、 全6トラック・55分のヘイトフル・パワーノイズ。ポスタージャケ仕様。 http://soundcloud.com/gsr56/guilty-c-downpor-shammer http://soundcloud.com/gsr56/guilty-c-ba-q-night-owl-sample http://soundcloud.com/gsr56/guilty-c-rip-in-town-4-sample
GUILTY C. - Bury #6 CD
GCスカル、2015年の録音作品。とりとめようのない感情が濁った風にのって埋もれていく、 全2曲・46分のライブ・エレクトロニクス/ハーシュ・ディストピア・サウンド。 サンプル https://youtu.be/QQ2rGMEe47A
GUILTY C. - Lands #2/#4 CD
精製された疑似自然音や収集された具体音がコラージュされた、ライブ・エレクトロニクス/コンクレート・ドローン/ハンティング・レコーディング・サウンド。全3曲・31分。 GSR!(日本)リリースCD https://youtu.be/bk56jcX1csI
GUILTY C. / .NYCTALOPS. - Audible Plague Menace. CD
SICKCORE label (ロシア)リリースCD "Audible Plague Menace" is an ultra violent harsh noise attack from Guilty Connector (Japan) and Nyctalops (Russia). Nauseating, punishing noise walls from GxCx, giving Merzbow a run for his money. A tad more restrained, brooding noise / drone / power electronics from Nyctalops, with mangled vocals, but no less menacing. Just under an hour of insane electronics, drone and feedback, with 5 tracks apiece. Ltd x 300 copies. Sample https://soundcloud.com/sickcorelabel/guilty-c-no-mu https://soundcloud.com/sickcorelabel/nyctalops-pterosomorph
東京のサンプラー使い BLAHMUZIK a.k.a. BrothersGrimと、関西のノイズ・グループ GUILTY C.のメンバー FTSによるデュオ。 汚れた街と荒んだ町に巣くう傲慢なウジ虫どもが、哀しく降り続く黒い雨に打たれる、 全11トラック・42分のグリムトーク・セカンド。
Grim Talkers - Built Sand Invasion. CD
▼ BLAHMUZIKとGUILTY C.によるデュオ。砂で組み建てられた狂行が、ズカズカと心にあがり込んできて侵害してくる、 全7トラック・59分の壊れた日本製フリーミュージック/ノイズ・ウェイブ・サウンド。 山岳地帯にひっそりとたたずむグリム小屋で、厳冬期に繰り広げられた精神と時の狭間のドキュメンタリー・グリム 第三章。2014年リリース作品。 Gravity Swarm Recordings - UT-42
AUBE - Reworks Stefano Gentile II CD
イタリアSilentes Minimal Editions リリースCD Drone, Experimental, Ambient Long static drones and suspended frequencies of harmonic, sonorous wafts in constant evolution riding cyclical hypnotic perennially changing synthetic curved waves... Loops and fluctuating waves meet expand sonorous carpets and push-buttons electronic micro-sequences that progressively decompose in minimal rhythmic structures... Submerged melodic fragments emerge soft between stuffed with wadding magma flows... Extraordinary atmospheres and great new tension for this, most waited chapter of "Aube Reworks Stefano Gentile"! https://youtu.be/1415DZolaaU
AUBE - Reworks Nimh Vol. 1 CD
イタリアSilentes Minimal Editions リリースCD Dark Ambient, Experimental, Noise Another must have work by audio decomposition-genius and sound-sculptor AUBE. Ethnic-electronic sound sources (as with "The Missing Tapes" by NIMH) transfigured and remodeled into completely new sonic lifeforms with state-of-the-art audio processing algorithms. Residual fragments of the original sound-sources occasionally appear in the mix like aquatic fauna swimming to the surface for a brief second. A magnum opus in four movements. Intensely facinating work by the unparalleled master of experimental sound design. AUBE is peerless. A minimal mosaic of sound that takes the listener on a slow-motion expedition into the very fabric of tone. A ocean of sound-grains for the listened to swim in. Spoken language doesn't (yet) contain words that properly describe these sounds... an absolute must have for the experimental music devotee. https://youtu.be/tFjNUyWZ_ps https://youtu.be/Co9VbteM9mw
イタリアOLD EUROPA CAFEリリース Limited Edition 400 copies,Digipak Re-edition of the split tape released in 1996 on SSSM, the label owned by Hiroshi Hasimoto aka Contagious Orgasm. With the addition of two rare and exclusive tracks released on the "RIFT LABORATORY" tape compilation dated 1994 also out on SSSM. A unique document on Italian Extreme Industrial Power-Electronics by Marco Corbelli and the Japanese Dark-Ambient Industrial by Hiroshi Hashimoto. Cult release, first time on CD.
Contagious Orgasm - escape. cd
act 261 with 'escape' contagious orgasm continue to plough their uniquely peculiar furrow of audio experiments and self improvement, exploring the strange landscapes of numerous musical styles. dealing with influences ranging from ambient, dub, idm/electronica and electro to dark ambient and noise, it is an impossible task to completely comprehend this album's scope within just a few listens. this aural voyage atmospherically varies from hypnotic echo-based beat pulses and moony synthesized melodies up to disturbing industrial soundscapes. mighty bass strokes, a multitude of different rhythms, manipulated voices and skillfully applied samples result in an adventurous and enthralling work of sonic art captivating with its deep, transparent production. turn off the light and let yourself fall into this album's very own flow. a quite accessible, multifarious, and yet typical element of contagious orgasm's wide cosmos in its charm, enjoyment and surprise.
Contagious Orgasm - ripple. cd
act 211 hiroshi hashimoto started releasing music twenty years ago as contagious orgasm. right from the beginning listeners knew that there was something very unique and special about c.o.'s sound - differing from the typical japanese 'industrial scene'. the initial aural transformation of track and release titles were soon replaced by something quite different. themes became more abstract and surrealistic; influences came from various collaborations and often seriousness was undercut with a wink... as on previous c.o. releases you can hear musical and stylistic sources from many cultural areas; for instance on 'ripple' you can hear indian chants, dub bass, electronic clicks/cuts, gongs, a piano, even straight beats and minimal sequencer grooves. styles range from free form to dance music to idm to noise and to ethnic sources. in hashimoto's works these ingredients cease what they were before - they are now transformed into coherent music (without being a eclectic cliché). an example: often many artists use voice samples in their work, to explain or to engross thoughts. hashimoto's usage of samples take the 'instruments of speech' out of their initial contexts - used in c.o.'s metaverse they entirely lose their initial intent and function. if we go further and think about 'rhythms', 'melodies' and 'textures' instead of 'voices', we might have a key to c.o.'s self conception. this album should be experienced with all senses wide open.
Contagious Orgasm - Impregnate Mannequin
1997年にイギリスの Harbinger SoundからリリースしたLPが、ドイツのレーベルRaubbauからCDで再発されました。 https://raubbau.bandcamp.com/album/impregnate-mannequin
Robert Turman / John Wiese - Solid State of Time CD
Helicopter – HEL 42007 Experimental, Musique Concrète, Minimal Robert Turman is an American sound artist best known for his innovative and experimental work in the field of ambient and minimalism. Beginning in the mid/late-1970s, Turman became involved in the world of experimental music, being particularly drawn to the work of minimalist composers such as Steve Reich and Terry Riley, and began to experiment with tape loops and other forms of sound manipulation. Turman’s first solo release, the cassette album “Flux” (1981), is a landmark in ambient and minimalism. Consisting of slowly repeating and evolving sounds, created using a combination of tape loops, piano, electronics, and other instruments, the album is praised for its innovation and atmosphere. It remains a cult classic among experimental music aficionados. Over the next years, Turman continued to record, culminating in the collection “Chapter Eleven”, an 8x cassette boxset recorded 1977–87 and reissued as a 4x CD set in 2020 by Hanson Records and Helicopter. These recordings further established Turman’s reputation as a monumental figure, and helped to inspire a new generation of experimentation. Remaining a considerable influence, Turman has always been committed to the spirit of exploration that has characterized his work from the beginning. He can be heard in the work of countless artists working in the field of experimental music, and his legacy as a pioneer of experimental music is assured. He currently lives in Oberlin, Ohio. John Wiese is a sound artist and composer based in Cleveland, Ohio and Los Angeles, California. He is known for his unique and innovative approach to sound and his ability to create complex, layered compositions that blur all boundaries. Wiese’s early recordings incorporated elements of cut-up/collage, musique concrete, and electronics. He often used unconventional sources to create chaotic, improvised compositions. As he developed as a composer and performer, Wiese began to incorporate more electronic and processed elements into his work, creating intricate, multilayered works that retained the rawness, precision, and complexity. Turman and Wiese’s approach to composition is both experimental and post-improvisational. Building on a particular sound or texture, and using a variety of modifications to the sound, a process of constant experimentation and exploration into new possibilities allows their collaboration to evolve and develop in unexpected ways throughout. Together, they continue to create immersive and otherworldly paths that challenge our perceptions of space, time, and reality. https://youtu.be/ZPehUPcLZmI?si=-ZjQl1egNneBTj2n
Contagious Orgasm - Unsound Silence Tape
Oxidation(USA)リリース、カセットC40 Beautiful soundscapes from the master of abstract sounds and field recordings with disturbing melodies.
Senketsu No Night Club + Contagious Orgasm - Ukiyozoshi CD
Senketsu No Night Club + Contagious Orgasm - Ukiyozoshi CD Dark Jazz Records(ロシア)リリースCD Limited edition of 300 copies in a Digipak サンプル https://youtu.be/QEWX6zu5ZRQ
Contagious Orgasm - The Dream Of A Fetus in Heavy Oil. Cassette
Contagious Orgasm - The Dream Of A Fetus in Heavy Oil. Cassette アメリカ/Deathbed Tapes リリースC-30カセット。 PRO DUBBED ON WHITE SHELLS, BLACK AND CLEAR NORELCO CASES, PRO-PRINTED COVERS AND LABELS
Contagious Orgasm - A Dream that a Fetus has in the Abyss. Cassette
composed & performed by HH, and FTS. recorded & mixed at cool anatomy, and yard cemetery, 2022-23. https://deathbedtapes.bandcamp.com/album/a-dream-that-a-fetus-has-in-the-abyss
999cuts(イスラエル)リリース Softenon Babe is a French industrial music project. It draws inspiration from the eerie and captivating sounds of 90s death industrial as well as earlier harsher experiments by industrial music and PE pioneers. But it's more than just music; it’s a way for Emma – the individual behind it – to tell stories of disability’s treatment by society and other medical tragedies. This approach results in a unique blend of sonic exploration and narrative, crafting an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impact on the listener. This is the debut album of French project Softenon Babe which is now getting its physical release. This EP delve into 20 minutes of bleak death industrial with heavy dark ambient undertones, exploring historical cases of food related death epidemics. In this case, the medieval dancing manias, the man-made famine in 1930s Ukraine and the Mad Cow Disease of the 90s. Mastered by Thomas Garrison (aka Control). For fans of Megaptera, Brighter Death Now, Gruntsplatter, Murderous Vision.
999cuts(イスラエル)リリース "The Thirteenth Tribe" is Ulican's, as-of-yet-unreleased debut album, from 2001. It captures the experimental spirit of the early 2000s, blending trip-hop, electronic, and ethnic influences. Created in collaboration with Mary Kelly, who wrote and sang most of the tracks, the album reflects a shared love for artists like Portishead, DJ Shadow, and Mercan Dede. Initially shelved due to dissatisfaction with the mix, Stephan Friedman has revisited and remastered the recordings, bringing a fresh polish to the eclectic soundscape. The album also features unique cabalistic elements, with samples from the mystical songs of Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag. This long-lost collection is a rare glimpse into Ulican's early foray into goth electronica. Recorded in 2001 at Aggressor Studios, Framingham, MA, USA. Remixed and remastered in 2023 at Valkoinen Pöllö Studios, Tel Aviv, Israel. CD edition, digipack. CUT 030