イタリアOLD EUROPA CAFEリリース Limited Edition 400 copies,Digipak Re-edition of the split tape released in 1996 on SSSM, the label owned by Hiroshi Hasimoto aka Contagious Orgasm. With the addition of two rare and exclusive tracks released on the "RIFT LABORATORY" tape compilation dated 1994 also out on SSSM. A unique document on Italian Extreme Industrial Power-Electronics by Marco Corbelli and the Japanese Dark-Ambient Industrial by Hiroshi Hashimoto. Cult release, first time on CD.
Contagious Orgasm - escape. cd
act 261 with 'escape' contagious orgasm continue to plough their uniquely peculiar furrow of audio experiments and self improvement, exploring the strange landscapes of numerous musical styles. dealing with influences ranging from ambient, dub, idm/electronica and electro to dark ambient and noise, it is an impossible task to completely comprehend this album's scope within just a few listens. this aural voyage atmospherically varies from hypnotic echo-based beat pulses and moony synthesized melodies up to disturbing industrial soundscapes. mighty bass strokes, a multitude of different rhythms, manipulated voices and skillfully applied samples result in an adventurous and enthralling work of sonic art captivating with its deep, transparent production. turn off the light and let yourself fall into this album's very own flow. a quite accessible, multifarious, and yet typical element of contagious orgasm's wide cosmos in its charm, enjoyment and surprise.
Contagious Orgasm - ripple. cd
act 211 hiroshi hashimoto started releasing music twenty years ago as contagious orgasm. right from the beginning listeners knew that there was something very unique and special about c.o.'s sound - differing from the typical japanese 'industrial scene'. the initial aural transformation of track and release titles were soon replaced by something quite different. themes became more abstract and surrealistic; influences came from various collaborations and often seriousness was undercut with a wink... as on previous c.o. releases you can hear musical and stylistic sources from many cultural areas; for instance on 'ripple' you can hear indian chants, dub bass, electronic clicks/cuts, gongs, a piano, even straight beats and minimal sequencer grooves. styles range from free form to dance music to idm to noise and to ethnic sources. in hashimoto's works these ingredients cease what they were before - they are now transformed into coherent music (without being a eclectic cliché). an example: often many artists use voice samples in their work, to explain or to engross thoughts. hashimoto's usage of samples take the 'instruments of speech' out of their initial contexts - used in c.o.'s metaverse they entirely lose their initial intent and function. if we go further and think about 'rhythms', 'melodies' and 'textures' instead of 'voices', we might have a key to c.o.'s self conception. this album should be experienced with all senses wide open.
Contagious Orgasm - Impregnate Mannequin
1997年にイギリスの Harbinger SoundからリリースしたLPが、ドイツのレーベルRaubbauからCDで再発されました。 https://raubbau.bandcamp.com/album/impregnate-mannequin
Contagious Orgasm - Unsound Silence Tape
Oxidation(USA)リリース、カセットC40 Beautiful soundscapes from the master of abstract sounds and field recordings with disturbing melodies.
Senketsu No Night Club + Contagious Orgasm - Ukiyozoshi CD
Senketsu No Night Club + Contagious Orgasm - Ukiyozoshi CD Dark Jazz Records(ロシア)リリースCD Limited edition of 300 copies in a Digipak サンプル https://youtu.be/QEWX6zu5ZRQ
Contagious Orgasm & Regosphere - Hospital Emissions - C-60 Cassette
Dumpster Score Home Recordings(USA)リリースC60カセット Contagious Orgasm should be a name familiar to most reading this. Beginning in the late 80's, he has released dozens of albums on many labels across the world and is well known for being one of the originators of the Japanese noise scene. He has never been afraid to play with many genres though, utilizing field recording cut-ups, harsh noise, heavy percussion, industrial atmospheres as well as more soundtrack-esque songs with detailed sound design in recent years. His sound collage styled mashing of ideas is on full display here, manipulating Regosphere's source material into two dense moody tracks of skittering field recordings, heavy synths and psychedelic collage with many surprises along the way. Regosphere began making harsh noise tapes in the mid-90's under the name Suburbia Melting, before deciding on a name change and refocusing of sounds and intention in 2007. Being extremely excited to work with one of his long-time inspirations, he went all out on these recordings. Utilizing Hiroshi's source material, he spent some serious time in the studio working these tracks over and fleshing them out. Dark shifting ambience, pulsing industrial rhythms, field recording and metal cut-ups along with their shared love of sound track work unfolds over one long collaged track.
Contagious Orgasm - Sensory Deprivation cassette
advaita records (Japan) Black sleeve ltd75 日本のノイズ・インダストリアルで、ヨーロッパにおいてライブ演奏が最も高く評価されているユニットの一つがContagious Orgasmであることは異論の余地はないだろう。 完璧に構成された有機的な情景を紡ぎだす、彼らの素晴らしいライブが、日本では名古屋以外でほとんど体験できないことは残念でなりません。 advaita recordsではこの状況を打破すべく片面ライブ、片面スタジオ録音による新作カセットをリリースいたします。 B面はContagious Orgasm独特のサンプラーによる超現実的なカットアップ・コラージュのセンスが冴えわたる目眩く映像が脳内で展開される無題トラックを収録しています。
Contagious Orgasm - Purple light section corners feel different World. CD
得意の奇怪なコラージュからスピリチュアルなアンビエンスに響き渡るノスタルジックでメランコリックな旋律と独特のテキスチャー。 切り刻まれたボイスやサンプリング・ループのレイヤーがハーシュサウンドと交わり奇妙なエキゾチズムとサイケデリアを生成。 ピアノの旋律と無機質なインダストリアルノイズ,和を感じるプリミティブなリズムによる奇怪なグルーヴ、 フィールド音の残骸を合成し新たなる音像へと再構築された、 深層心理の広大な海と深い闇を感じさせるミュージック・コンクレート作品。 https://youtu.be/Bt6bDGwQkCs https://soundcloud.com/sssm/contagious-orgasm-exploration-and-seeking-part-1
Contagious Orgasm - Ultramarine
5年ぶりの新録作品! The long awaited new recording full cd of Contgious Orgasm - Ultramarine. it is a very unique sound and strange landscapes of numerous musical styles. but because of the countless noise,electronica,classical and experimental sounds to dark ambient. it is so much more than that . those great twists of sound and color, a wonderful scene description on each track, a true tour through the electronic sound space. and sometimes grim (the ominous background noises), then just beautiful cinematic soundscape. Released in a four-panel cardboard sleeve. https://youtu.be/RNBeeEFIm1g
Contagious Orgasm - Invasion. cd
Contagious Orgasm - Invasion. sssm-111 cd/ From the outside space to the inner space. sssm-111 processed field recordings & electro-acoustic sound art collage, a mixture of constituted delicately industrial and noisy ambient sounds.
Contagious Orgasm - Voltage Controlled Amplifier 2CD
sssm-112 Contagious Orgasm most noisy album. sound material from 1989,4ch MTR cassette,4tracks 100mins over,3tracks Unreleased. Cinematic landscape in the tip of the loops, electronic sound meet ethnic music that has been cut and paste. ambient music to a metal percussion and a noise whirlpool. Seeking Sensation Scale Music!! Released in a four panel cardboard sleeve.
Contagious Orgasm + Instinct Primal - Giant Fish CD
sssm-113 Giant Fish is the result of creative collaboration and sharing of sounds between Contagious Orgasm and Instinct Primal. The album is a rich mixture of deep, dark, funereal and space ambient with rhythmic beats. Some tracks demand your full attention and there is no escape. Some can have a hypnotic effect on a sensitive mind and trigger a whole new inner world of abstract ideas and imagination. Clear your mind after a difficult day and immerse yourself. The sound is made for a experience listeners who like to enjoy a daily dose of "primal orgasm". Released in a four panel cardboard sleeve.