¥1,500 税込
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Auf Abwegen(ドイツ)リリースCD
Contemporary, Post-Modern, Experimental, Free Improvisation
Two years in the making, aufabwegen presents the first ever studio album of Bremen-based MusikAktionsEnsemble KLANK.
Co-produced by Radio Bremen’s contemporary music department and featuring singer Friederike Menz on various tracks,
KLANK left its accustomed territory of energetic yet intimate performative stage action to enter the fine historic recording arena of Sendesaal Bremen.
For this release the four members of KLANK focused on acoustic spaces and auditive situations recording hours and hours of material.
While the opener RÅE N presents an almost architectural approach to the dense microtonal logics of noise and drone
the three piece set of CONTAMINECHNO is a neat and surprising exploration of radioplayeske atmospheres and contemporary electronic music alike.
The mono-ridden Der PRODUKTIVE KONSUMENT links the bobostertaglike assembling of ensembles at the computer
with thoughts about various fields of consumerist homerecording while DIE MECHANISCHE CD for a moment neglects
the data sound carriers and storage systems usually are used for, perceiving CDs,
MDs and the like as sonic objects with their own musical quality.
Closed by a brief passage through possible constellations within an improvising quartet, ÄÇEX, the release is, after all, linked to KLANK’s musical – live – practice.
¥1,500 税込