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SEPTIC CUNTSとして、MAYHEM在籍時”DEATHCRUSH”他多くの傑作を生み出したボーカリストとして、アルバム”Amfetamin”制作にあたりCurrent93も名を連ねるバンドSKITLIVまたVivianslaughter(ex.GALLHAMMER)、Andrew Liles(NURSE WITH WOUND)を擁するプロジェクトSEHNSUCHTの中心人物として広く知られるノルウェー・オスロ在住アーティストManiac。
ジャンクバンドMOTHRAの発展形として00'sより東京を根城に活動開始され誠実かつ質実剛健たる姿勢をしてTESCO、HOSPITAL PRODUCTIONなどの名門レーベルからリリースを重ねる本邦POWER ELECTRONICSの雄 "LINEKRAFT"ことMasahiko Okubo。
2019年にManiacのソロ・プロジェクトとして開始され、2020年よりOkuboが合流する形で現編成となったデュオ・プロジェクトKOGNITIV KOLLAPS(ノルウェー語で「認知崩壊」の意)の初の単独フィジカル・リリース。
INDUSTRIAL MUSICの作法を取り入れつつ、Maniacが近年取り組んでいるモジュラーシンセサイザーを大きくフューチャーし、冷徹なビート、ギター、変調したボーカル、Okuboのジャンク、エレクトロニクスが触手のようにもつれ合い描かれる冷たく荒廃した風景。


プロダブド45分カセット、ビニルパック仕様、アートワーク封入。 DLコード無し。配信無し。再販予定無し。完全限定販売。
LTD 95、

Maniac - An artist living in Oslo, Norway widely known as SEPTIC CUNTS, as Vocalist on many masterpieces(Deathcrush EP!) when he was with MAYHEM, as a central figure of the project SEHNSUCHT with Vivianslaughter (ex.GALLHAMMER) and Andrew Liles (NURSE WITH WOUND),and as a member of SKITLIV, a band that current93 is also involved in production of the Album”Amfetamin”.
Masahiko Okubo - his known been active as one man power electronics militia LINEKRAFT with a sincere and sturdy attitude in Tokyo since the 00’s, as an evolved form the junk band MOTHRA, and has been releasing his music on prestigious labels such as TESCO and HOSPITAL PRODUCTION.

This is the first solo physical release of KOGNITIV KOLLAPS(Norwegian for "cognitive collapse".), the duo project started as Maniac's solo project in 2019, and Okubo joined the project in 2020.

Aware of the industrial music manners, Maniac's modular synthesizers, cold beats, guitars, modulated vocals. and Okubo's junk and electronics are tangle together like tentacles to create a cold, desolate soundscape. What humanity has desired to control as a spiritual or political pillar, what we have surrendered our souls to, what we have taken as the basis of our existence.fierce voices from those who do not wish to be.

Produbbed C-45(TYPE-I), Vinyl packed with artwork. No DL code. No Digital distribution. No plans for reproduction. Limited edition. 95 copies of the standard edition, YOU DECIDE whether you'll listen to its will even if it destroy the package, or whether you'll stow it away in a locked glass case with smugly until you get tired of it!"

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