Cold Springリリース Style: Industrial / Experimental Format: CD in digipak "Hammerschlag" - created by FM Einheit (member of Einstürzende Neubauten early 1980's to mid-1990's), with Andreas Ammer - features many percussive industrial elements and 'machine music' (chains, scraping, coiled springs, objects), noise, experimental electronics and provocative musical compositions familiar to the ears of Neubauten fans. An oratorio with prelude and two noise interludes, based on Russian futurist Aleksej Kapitonovič Gastev, the "bard of the machine age" サンプル https://soundcloud.com/coldspring/sets/fmeinheit-aammer-hammerschlag
ENCEPHALOPHONIC - Psychopathological Entertainment. CD
Audio Dissection/Freak Animal Records/Self Abuse Records 共同リリースCD Freak Animal, Self Abuse Records & Audio Dissection! Italian harsh noise of most violent kind and malicious atmosphere. Italian razor returns to slash tender flesh with sharp and painful attacks. サンプル https://youtu.be/SI-YCYDnfng
Kazuma Kubota - January Thirty + Uneasiness CD
[...]dotsmarkリリースCD。 Trailer https://youtu.be/oRSmlhDsWN0 "真面目で甘酸っぱい音楽/音。フィルムや小説の短編集に近い感触。今後どうなっていくか聴いてみたいと思わせる作品でした。" - 朝生愛 Post Harsh Noiseの旗手Kazuma Kubotaの現在廃盤となっている代表作品をCD化し2タイトル同時リリース! 本作は2012年にイタリアのレーベルA Dear Girl Called Wendyから限定リリースされたワンサイドLPと、2009年に20部(!)限定でセルフリリースしたEPを1枚のCDにコンパイル。 断続と反復を多用したブレイク感溢れる冷たくも激しいハーシュノイズと穏やかなアンビエントの狭間を揺らぎながら突き進んで行く"January Thirty"、雨音のフィールドレコーディングとギターのアルペジオから幕を開け従前のノイズ観を独自の美意識で更新した意欲作"Uneasiness"。 ともに21世紀以降そして2020年以降のノイズの発展性を占う重要な内容だ。 本再発にあたってはリマスタリングエンジニアにJames Plotkin(ex- Khanate, O.L.D.)を起用。巨匠の手を経て現代仕様のソリッドな音像にアップデートする事に成功した。スリーヴケースに保護されたジャケットにはKubota本人による撮りおろしの風景写真がふんだんに収録された12Pフルカラーブックレットを同梱、Kazuma Kubota独特の世界観を視覚面からも表象している。 国際シーンで人気を獲得し既に各地にフォロワーをも生み出している新たなるノイズ・フォーマットの提唱者として注目すべき作家の隠されたマスターピース、いまここに初の正規流通!
Kazuma Kubota -A Sense Of Loss CD
[...]dotsmarkリリースCD。 Trailer https://youtu.be/oRSmlhDsWN0 “さらに昇華したカットアップノイズの復興を告げる基本資料。クボタの鋭く研ぎ澄まされた作品はどれも、多くのアーティストがその生涯をかけても生み出せないほどのアクションやアイデアに満ちている。" - William Hutson (member of clipping.) Post Harsh Noiseの旗手Kazuma Kubotaの現在廃盤となっている代表作品をCD化し2タイトル同時リリース! 本作は2010年に米国のレーベルPitchphaseから限定リリースされたオリジナルEP。 日常を思わせるフィールドレコーディングや感傷的なドローン/アンビエントと切り込まれるカットアップノイズのコントラストが単なるノイズミュージックを越えた唯一無比のドラマを生み出す傑作。 さらに本来収録される筈であった1曲を追加、晴れての完全版仕様となっている。 本再発にあたってはリマスタリングエンジニアにJames Plotkin(ex- Khanate, O.L.D.)を起用。巨匠の手を経て現代仕様のソリッドな音像にアップデートする事に成功した。スリーヴケースに保護されたジャケットにはKubota本人による撮りおろしの風景写真がふんだんに収録された12Pフルカラーブックレットを同梱、Kazuma Kubota独特の世界観を視覚面からも表象している。 国際シーンで人気を獲得し既に各地にフォロワーをも生み出している新たなるノイズ・フォーマットの提唱者として注目すべき作家の隠されたマスターピース、いまここに初の正規流通!
黒電話666 (BLACKPHONE666) -Accumulation CD
[...]dotsmarkリリースCD。 SAMPLE(ENA/KYOKA Remix) ENA Remix https://soundcloud.com/blackphone666/blaze-ena-remix-sample KYOKA Remix https://soundcloud.com/blackphone666/oxd-kyoka-remix-sample 東京を拠点に、主にライブシーンにおいてその実力を轟かせて来た、オリジナルハーシュサウンド追求者にして電気音響過激派「黒電話666」の満を持しての1st 公式作品。 神経質な電子音楽然とした立ち上がりから徐々に聴取者を責め上げる"BLAZE"、豪放なエネルギーが可聴域を抹殺する"OXD"、この2曲があれば、なぜ黒電話666があらゆるジャンルと国を超えリスナーを震撼させ得るのかについて感付くのには充分だ。 「黒電話666」という21世紀の苛烈電子音楽を代表するユニットが蓄積(Accumlation)してきた漆黒が世界中のスピーカーから決壊する時が来た。 さらにCDのみフィジカル特典として豪華リミキサー陣を招致。ENA (Samurai Horo)、KYOKA (raster-noton)による、この二者でしか作り得ない先鋭的かつドープな黒電話ノイズ再構築音源を収録。マスタリングは、にせんねんもんだい・空間現代・伊東篤宏等のレコーディング/マスタリングを手がけるnoguchi taoruが担当。
Torturing Nurse / h8 no.3 - ASIAN NOISEISM. Cassette
Torturing Nurse / h8 no.3 - ASIAN NOISEISM. Cassette 雑音秘法リリース、カセットテープ C20 Include Torturing Nurse & h8 no.3 each pin batch. You will be brainwashed by ASIAN NOISEISM.
Muslimgauze - Untitled CD
Muslimgauze - Untitled CD, aquarellist(ロシア)リリースCD MUSLIMGAUZE "Untitled" (2000) - this "nameless" creation was published by Klanggalerie publishing house, and in a strange way sends the listener back to 1993, to the albums "Betrayal" and "Veiled Sisters", being their obvious and natural continuation. Slow and soft, like a lump of hashish, either a dub or a lounge with an intoxicating sultry sound it immerses the listener in a light trance ... it gives you a feeling as if you are lying down for an afternoon nap somewhere on the outskirts of the Palestinian bazaar, and you have no strength to move to shake off this obsessive stupor. Someone is a chatting nearby, something is tapping, somewhere in the vicinity there is an incomprehensible life and households ... but to get up - there is no strength. Not even to open your eyes ... because bliss, heat and trance. Incredibly atmospheric and hypnotic hypostasis MUSLIMGAUZE. Definitely recommended! 121 CD, limited edition of 300 copies in digipak All tracks written by Bryn Jones 1993 Mastered at Future Studios, Vienna, November 1999 Previously released by Klanggalerie, gg14, January 01, 2000 Tracks 3 and 13 previously released on limited picture 7" by Syntactic (muslim 15), March 30, 1996. サンプル https://youtu.be/CB9QUztPp5M
M.BRYO & D.M.T. - Things I was due to forget 1979-2005 CD
M.BRYO & D.M.T. - Things I was due to forget 1979-2005 CD フランスNuit Et Brouillard、リリースCD old-school experimental electronics from a former member of The Klinik. He released a track on the "Made in Belgium Vol 2" compilation'LP in the 80's. Melodic, experimental,..... in the way of the most experimental tracks of The Klinik. CD comes in digisleeve with 12-page booklet, limited to 500 copies. https://youtu.be/DqtHpkz5b5U https://youtu.be/6u3_Hg7Ny1k
Seiei Jack, h8 no.3 - Do not think! Feel. - SPLIT cassette
東京のTJP Virtual Gallery代表「Seiei Jack」と、阪神エリアからの刺客「h8 no.3」の2名のノイズ・エクスペリメンタルアーティストによる6曲入スプリットカセットテープ。 両者によるミニアートポスターが封入された限定50部生産。 h8 no.3(第三憎悪)自身のレーベル雑音秘法リリース第一弾! https://soundcloud.com/h8-no-3/seiei-jackuri-geller https://soundcloud.com/h8-no-3/h8-no3thee-essence-ov-truth
va - Drone Islands - Land Raising CD
Eighth Tower Records(イタリア)リリースCD, 200 copies limited edition CD dicipack Since LaMonte Young early experiments till today, drone music has come a long way. Eighth Tower Records is proud to present an anthology featuring 12 projects from artists who work on classic and new stimulating paths for the drone music. Ah Cama-Sotz,Satori, Kammarheit, Ashtoreth,DAIMON,Stefan Klaverdal, SONOLOGYST,Instinct Primal,Lars Bröndum,Massimo Olla,Nihil Impvlse,HLER. サンプル https://eighthtowerrecords.bandcamp.com/track/satori-blood-of-the-wolves
Eighth Tower Records(イタリア)リリースCD, Comes in digipack experimental rituals superspectrum ultraterrestrial dark ambient occult During my trip to French Guiana in the Summer of 2018, I was overwhelmed by the luxuriance of nature and the fragility of human settlement. Land of colonization and migration, Guyana is rich of beliefs, often mixed as in the "quimbois" and voodoo. These landscapes, green and sometimes burnt, as during the dry season, contain myths and a surprising folklore as for the invoked entity "baclou", the "viscous gnome" which can cause what is close to collective hysteria. I was inspired by these stories but also from the richness of nature that I have recorded, whether it is the deep jungle or the Islands of Salvation shores, the swamps or the savannah. This land of Guiana can be inhospitable and the climate often causes a feeling of heaviness. The jungle reveals itself in torpor and consumes our consciousness like the waves crashing on this island where I have been locked up for months. I could not say what I saw. The atrocity of these visions and the heat has transformed me forever. I only remember a few sensations, some images. サンプル https://eighthtowerrecords.bandcamp.com/track/baclou
Unexplained Sounds Group(イタリア)リリースCD, Comes in digipack experimental oblique strategies sonic scapes unpredictable montages Voices of children in a park, people playing a handball game, dogs barking, a man talking of philosophy, a demon lurking in a dark corner. Dreamlike mental landscape of nonsensical memories, a metamorphic passage from the blackness, the shadows of a lost beauty. Everything frozen in the stillness of phantom recordings. Recordings by SONOLOGYST Sound Design, Turntables, Trumpet, Azzax, Voice. サンプル https://sonologyst.bandcamp.com/album/phantoms
ZHELEZOBETON(ロシア)リリースCD This is already the second collaboration album of Bardoseneticcube from Russia and Shinkiro from Japan, this time under their own names. The first disc "Four Noble Truths" was released under the combined title of Bashin on the French label Athanor in 2011 and was dedicated to the basic principles of Buddhist teachings. The meditative and contemplative subject continues here as well, now being focused on the aspects of inner and outer space. We submerge in the dark thick matter of sound, fluid, transparent and stratiform. Woven from abstract electronics, omnifarious samples and transformed voices, textures are smoothly interchanging, always showing new visions in the black mirror of our viewport. Makes you wonder - does the perceivable exist separately from the percipient? In any case this is dark, nocturnal, cosmic music, not devoid of epicism and dramatism. Worth having in your playlist for the next space travel! The disc is packed in a matte 4-panel cardboard digisleeve with artwork made by Vitaly Stromchinsky (X3D5, Eternal Return Records). サンプル http://zhelezobeton.bandcamp.com/album/inner-and-outer-space
Shinkiro - Archive Volumes : I-III 2CD
ウクライナのOld CaptainリリースCD Shinkiro is a dark ambient project from Japan, formed in 2003 by Manabu Hiramoto who dwells in organic isolation full of pulsating drones and elegiac solaris ambiances. Based on the old recording sessions in 2003 - 2007 this release captures the darkest and most beautiful moments of Shinkiro’s music: low-key synth textures merged with rhythmic cadences and slight distortions gradually unfolding roaming melodies, magnetic and cold undercurrents, ethereal epiphanies and ever present longing for the unattainable abyss. Three early unreleased albums assembled for the first time together manifest thrilling, oneiric and existentialist nature of Shinkiro’s nature exposed in its dark and cinematic mosaic: Japanese voice samples blended with strained piano parts, machinery industrial noises, ominous drones, ritual percussion, hypnotic hardware pads leading to the event horizon. Dissolve in the myriad of mysterious emanations towards colossal eschatological pleroma. Recommended for those who follow Lustmord, Apoptose. Amazing music is accompanied with an exquisite layout executed by Mauro Berchi (Eibon Records) and produced as a 2CD edition in a 4-panel gloss-laminated Digipak limited to 250. サンプル https://soundcloud.com/shinkiro06/1-14-shinkiro-reflections-of-her-deepest-fears-05-fifth-stage https://soundcloud.com/oldcaptain/shinkiro_one-part-iii_archive-volumes-i-iii
CONTORTUS - Your weakness feeds my cruelty CD
Freak Animal RecordsリリースCD Finnish industrial-noise/power electronics Heavy and brutal 2018 album in digipak. After praised 2017 debut CD “Violence in heat”, Contortus returns even heavier and more solid piece of aggression and antihumanist retaliation. Despite having high levels of sheer violence, Contortus sound is always detailed and carefully adjusted. 14 songs, each having their own atmosphere and structure. https://youtu.be/Ka9PpPR04cE https://youtu.be/VE-qIiXZdCU
CORPS - Corps CD
CORPS - Corps CD CD Digipak (Aussaat 07) - AUSSAAT CORPS is a side project by the Russian musician and artist Alexey Tegin better known as the leader of PHURPA. Corpse is the post-apocalyptic sound of a time to come. World War III destroyed the civilisation as we know it. The knowledge of music has gone lost. The survivers start creating their own, new forms of music by building their instruments from what has been left... Tracklist: 1. A Post-Apocalyptic Sound 2. There is no History 3. No Memory 4. Power for Power 5. Tools Made of Metal 6. The Strength of Man Against the Power of Chaos 7. Clear Consciousness
LE COSE BIANCHE - Tutti Quanti Sognano Porno CD
2017. The celebration of 10 years Le Cose Bianche (2007-2017), this album collects all the help, support, talent of all musician and non-musician friends who have influenced and marked this LCB decade. The contributors: Eraldo Bernocchi (Sigillum S) - Paolo Bandera (Sshe Retina Stimulants / Sigillum S) - Egle Sommacal (Massimo Volume) - Andrea Chiaravalli (Iugula-Thor) Francesco Perizzolo (Satanismo Calibro 9) - Maurizio Bianchi (MB)… The album moves between industrial territories, strictly autobiographical lyrics - cut-ups of a past intended to never re-emerge. Sounds of a super saturated bass, rough distortion and re- petitive percussive cells. Italo-Swiss production by OEC & Luce Sia. https://youtu.be/i3PLwPOhi9w
Satanismo Calibro 9 - Ov Death CD
"Ov Death" is a new chapter in SC9's research beyond flesh and bones, and marks a small evolution in the band's sound. "Ov Death" features fruitful collaborations with Eraldo Bernocchi (Sigillum S / Sshe Retina Stimulants), Mashiko Okubo (Linekraft / Cazzokraft) and Heru (Mystical Fullmoon). 43 minutes of pure and true: bleak, obscure, Infernal Industrial, including some unexpected cinematic sounds. Ltd x 300 copies in a digipak. https://youtu.be/KJ7W0OMNOw8
C.3.3. (TEST DEPT.) - Ballad of Reading Gaol - The Cacophonietta CD
cold spring(UK)リリースCD Industrial / Dark Classical C.3.3. is a personal project from Paul Jamrozy, co-founder of original industrial agitators TEST DEPT.. The work is inspired by the real life experience of Her Majesty’s Prison Reading. Tracing the history of the location through to the present current political and social situation, evoking the harsh realities of Victorian and modern day Britain. Reminiscent of the finest mid-era TEST DEPT., such as "Gododdin" or "Pax Britannica", with heavy percussion, strings, and strident vocals. The title C.3.3. is drawn from the cell number where the literary figure Oscar Wilde was incarcerated in Reading Gaol under gross indecency charges. C.3.3. was the pseudonym used for the publication "The Ballad of Reading Gaol", a poem based on the execution of a fellow inmate. This sonic rendition draws upon the writings of Wilde’s poem and the horrors of prison life for a condemned man, as a metaphor for the universal predicament of all humankind. Remastered with 2 bonus tracks, featuring TEST DEPT. and presented in a 6-panel digipak. https://soundcloud.com/coldspring/sets/c33-ballad-of-reading-gaol
cold spring(UK)リリースCD Death Ambient Midori is the third album by Italian artist She Spread Sorrow (Alice Kudalini). Midori tells a story, the escape from a harsh reality that becomes an echo of nightmares and visions, a house that is the scene of fear and anguish, a soul that is lost in pain to an epilogue of death and purification. The gloomy, intense, dreamlike sound, sometimes distorted, sometimes angelic is the soundtrack of a dramatic story, but also of relief. Duplicity is the key to this work. Death industrial with female vocals and ambient moments, more dilated, with sounds that also refer to a ritualistic horizon. Presented in a 6-panel digipa https://soundcloud.com/coldspring/she-spread-sorrow-night-one
Contagious Orgasm - Purple light section corners feel different World. CD
得意の奇怪なコラージュからスピリチュアルなアンビエンスに響き渡るノスタルジックでメランコリックな旋律と独特のテキスチャー。 切り刻まれたボイスやサンプリング・ループのレイヤーがハーシュサウンドと交わり奇妙なエキゾチズムとサイケデリアを生成。 ピアノの旋律と無機質なインダストリアルノイズ,和を感じるプリミティブなリズムによる奇怪なグルーヴ、 フィールド音の残骸を合成し新たなる音像へと再構築された、 深層心理の広大な海と深い闇を感じさせるミュージック・コンクレート作品。 https://youtu.be/Bt6bDGwQkCs https://soundcloud.com/sssm/contagious-orgasm-exploration-and-seeking-part-1
Koufar - Phoenicianism CD
ウクライナのOld CaptainリリースCD “Phoenicianism is an attempt to put on display the further identity crisis that many of the Lebanese face. Whether its over there, or here in America the confusion reigns supreme. Arab or Phoenician? Western or Eastern? Christian or Muslim? Identity often dictates politics, but with the Lebanese that is not consistent. Historically the only thing consistent is instability. An instability creating frictions that slowly grind against one another until the only eastern answer is reached, violence. Caught between Eastern values and Western luxuries.This album attempts to reflect all of this, while mixing in the artists own personal experiences of living a life of dualism. Misbaha beads or “Worry” beads? Christ or Shams? Allah or Mawt? Walk the edge of the boxcutters razor and make your offering.” Remastered and accompanied with an exclusive material the CD is released in a full-colour matte-laminated 6-panel Digipak in edition of 300 copies. サンプル https://soundcloud.com/oldcaptain/koufar_unstable-by-nature-ii-here_phoenicianism
KSNK - s/t CD
Freak Animal RecordsリリースCD KSNK is one of those names from Finland some people may have heard, but very few are lucky to own the tapes. Especially the latter tape, which is the main part of this CD. It was basically sold face to face in couple Finnish noise shows if someone knew to ask artists who might have them in his pocket. KSNK approach is in some ways traditional to Finnish noise - yet also purely unique. Even if one may approach it on surface level, concluding it as yet another metal junk and feedback abuser, the way KSNK uses these elements, is unlike anyone else in Finland. Eccentric themes, combining vocals and obscure musical structures to minimalism of unprocessed sounds, field- or site recordings, eventually creates eerie and disturbing atmosphere. Short samples are obviously not doing justice for full CD. One has to go through painful moments of seemingly random moments of artists throwing junk at some outdoors location, to be blown up by heavy bolts of more constructed noise works. To respect original hand made packaging of tape version, CD comes in jewelbox, but using ideas known from tape versions with torn slices of artwork. https://youtu.be/TfhEe-d4M_s
CLOAMA - Halveksin Kuolemaa CD
Freak Animal RecordsリリースCD Reissue of tape that was published by LSDO label. Recordings from 1999 and added bonus track. Curious fact about this original tape is that unknown amount of edition of 100 was dubbed with wrong tracks. Artist had submitted master tape with b-side including promotional songs of upcoming materials. Some copies of tape - like the one that circulates online as digital file, has wrong tracks on it. Nobody knows how many tapes were dubbed incorrectly. For many, this CD may be first time to hear release as it should have been! It includes cold, yet highly electric industrial soundscapes and heavy electronics, not far from Söldnergeist, Dagda Mor, and perhaps some works of Anenzephalia. Cold synth tones oscillating over subtle rhythms of crashing loops and sound samples, covered with processed voice samples and speeches. In English, “I despise death”, showcases well early progressions of Cloama. This release shows moment where transformation from harsh noise unit of earliest years was moving into recordings like “Neuroscan Organization” and split CD with GRUNT. Not to forget, these recordings are made around time when another Finnish legend, STROM.ec was formed. Due partly same members and gear, some similarities of the sound can be noticed! Certainly album that fans of 90’s Finnish power electronics / industrial noise should not overlook! https://youtu.be/gz7yzNgr0L0