LUGOLA - You Are Not Special digiCD
CD limited to 100 copies (2nd edition with bonus track) LUGOLA is a noise project from Poland that began in 2012. Since the very beginning the solo work of Michal 'Neithan' Kielbasa is a combination of noise, power electronics, drone and dark ambient. Lugola live performances are partially improvised free-form sonic assaults, physically and emotionally intense. Visuals are often used. There are no limits. There is no future. FFO: Whitehouse, Brighter Death Now, Grunt, Slogun, Con-Dom... https://youtu.be/19WHgWqbIqM
The New Boyfriends – 1 & 2 2CD
2CD reissue of the two first The New Boyfriends cassettes released in 2020. The New Boyfriends is collaboration of Mogao and Aprapat. Harsh junk abuse and hot steam! https://satatuhatta.bandcamp.com/album/the-new-boyfriends-1-2 2023年3月29日リリース SATATUHATTA/Finland
BLITZKRIEG BABY - Porcus Norvegicus LP
Cloister Recordings(USA)リリースLP Vinyl issue of the debut album by Norwegian industrial project Blitzkrieg Baby. Like an ego without any sense of moral propriety, Blitzkrieg Baby's music is depraved, debased, stylized, brutal, and merciless - not so much written as it is channeled into reality by Kim Sølve, Anders B. (Mind & Flesh), Bjeima (Yurei, Alfa Obscura, Virus), Petter Berntsen aka Plenum (Swarms) and Alan Belardinelli. Dark, threatening, industrial and carrying traces of artists like NON, early Laibach, and SPK, you will never really know what to expect from one track to the next. Mastered by James Plotkin. Ltd x 300 copies with printed inner sleeve. https://youtu.be/3qiE225Y22A
BLITZKRIEG BABY - Genocidal Sextasy LP
Cloister Recordings(USA)リリースLP "Genocidal Sextacy" commands rumination with an acerbic irony. Since the early 2000's Norwegian artist Kim Sølve has carried forth Blitzkrieg Baby as a timely exploration of humanity's hubris and callousness; a bleak and pessimistic trawl through the dregs of mankind's selfishness and cruel arrogance that paradoxically operates as a cathartic confrontation of 21st century existential dread. Rooted in both the sequenced thump of EBM with the dusty specter of death industrial grime and dark ambient unease, Kim Sølve and his collaborators (Bjeima, The Right Reverend Mr. B, Amyeric Thomas, and Frederic Arbour) have crafted a steady and unhurried oscillation, rhythmic tracks mirroring a sluggish dance of the dead clamoring for reconciliation that never manifests. Audiences in this fraught year may find "Genocidal Sextacy" a confrontational purge of relentless trauma or a too-close-for-comfort slap in the face of extremely timely anxiety. Blitzkrieg Baby have provided another tough pill to swallow that will no doubt leave fans of uncompromising industrial and extreme electronics clamoring for another fix. Mastered by James Plotkin. Ltd x 300 copies with printed inner sleeve and cut out pig mask insert. https://youtu.be/ewXAq4lNhVI
Cloister Recordings(USA)Total Black(ドイツ) リリースLP " After a string of strong cassettes and CDs, "Rites Of Flesh" is the debut full-length album from American Heavy Electronics stalwarts Serration. In contrast to the raw aggression of earlier works, "Rites Of Flesh" is a tense and crawling soundtrack to urban warfare and unrest. While invoking comparison to classic European industrial like Anenzephalia and early Loki Foundation acts, "Rites Of Flesh" has an entirely unique and contemporary sound. Expertly mastered by Grant Richardson, presented simultaneously in North America and Europe by Cloister Recordings and Total Black." Black vinyl limited 200 https://youtu.be/wRE_pZ0LVuU
999 cuts(イスラエル)リリースCD A re-issue of a classic limited cassette from 2007 (originally released by- Nil By Mouth Recordings). This album was in a way 'reinvented' in this edition; the tracks were rearranged and remastered by the artist. Also, this CD version features 4 extra tracks that were recorded at the same time yet never before released. CD edition, jewel case with new art. https://soundcloud.com/999cuts/n-slashskin?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Mlehst - Female Female Female CD
Karo Productions(Sweden)リリースCD 2022 release. English experimental noise project founded in 1991 by All Brentnall which released many cassettes and vinyls (often in small quantities) until the project started to wind down in the late 1990s. After the last releases came out in 2001 the project was essentially defunct. In 2005, however, mlehst was restarted and continues to release new recordings. https://youtu.be/KPnj3bdGxM8
Mlehst-There Are No Rules Only Lies CD
Karo Productions(Sweden)リリースCD Abstract, Dark Ambient, Experimental, Musique Concrète, Noise The finished mix sound very unlike the source sounds, which comprises three tracks, (three "movements”), which were split up and re-edited into the final presented piece. I have started presenting Mlehst tracks like this again, where tracks segue together. This project took two years to complete. https://youtu.be/xXlpz5UEK_s
Mlehst - Resonances And Observance CD
Karo Productions(Sweden)リリースCD English experimental, electronic artist active since 1990. This is the 3rd mlehst album-CD released on Karo Productions.This is a new, unopened CD in its original packaging. Brand new release from the English experimental / noise perversions project, founded in 1991 by All Brentnall. Mlehst presents 5 tracks with a nightmare sound; dark ambient noise, audio collage, music concrete. A prolific artist with over 80 albums and dozens of EPs on hard-to-find cassettes and vinyl (often in small quantities), the project started to wind down in the late 90's. In 2005, however, Mlehst was restarted and continues to release new recordings. You can find his vast back catalogue on labels such as Oxidation, New Forces, Self Abuse, RRRecords, Mother Savage, and his own labels Belief Recordings / Bandaged Hand Produce. https://youtu.be/sGkITinySm8
Unknown Hierarchy - Modern Maturity Cassette
noise experimental Oxidation(USA)リリース カセット。 サンプル https://oxidation.bandcamp.com/album/modern-maturity
Emerge From The Womb Of The Earth - st CDR
experimental ambient dark ambient Oxidation(USA)リリースPro-CDr in Digipack Edition of 100 copies. サンプル https://oxidation.bandcamp.com/track/a-future-divined-in-rotting-wallpaper
elma / h8 no.3 - Crowd in new normal Tape
Limited to 100 copies Include download code & a disposable non-woven mask. Japanese label.雑音秘法 ZH-005
Empusae & Shinkiro - Organic.Aural.Ornaments II CD
Power & Steel(ドイツ)リリースCD On their second collaboration of the Belgian Empusae and the Japanese Shinkiro the duo manifests an organic journey through the inner cinema and creates a space of haunting ritualistic ambience and enthralling melodies. The recordings blend poly-rhythmic landscapes and field recordings, spacious textures and deep ambient drones. Organic sequences move through the musical architecture and build long tracks of an evolving deep ruminant sea of waves. Deep ambient interstellar audio presented in the midst of multilayered synthesizers and organic field recordings chained to extraordinary rhythmic atmospherics. Slow percussions and spherical atmospheres representing the impressive collaboration of the two artists.
[...]dotsmarkリリース、カセットテープC-45 SEPTIC CUNTSとして、MAYHEM在籍時”DEATHCRUSH”他多くの傑作を生み出したボーカリストとして、アルバム”Amfetamin”制作にあたりCurrent93も名を連ねるバンドSKITLIVまたVivianslaughter(ex.GALLHAMMER)、Andrew Liles(NURSE WITH WOUND)を擁するプロジェクトSEHNSUCHTの中心人物として広く知られるノルウェー・オスロ在住アーティストManiac。 ジャンクバンドMOTHRAの発展形として00'sより東京を根城に活動開始され誠実かつ質実剛健たる姿勢をしてTESCO、HOSPITAL PRODUCTIONなどの名門レーベルからリリースを重ねる本邦POWER ELECTRONICSの雄 "LINEKRAFT"ことMasahiko Okubo。 2019年にManiacのソロ・プロジェクトとして開始され、2020年よりOkuboが合流する形で現編成となったデュオ・プロジェクトKOGNITIV KOLLAPS(ノルウェー語で「認知崩壊」の意)の初の単独フィジカル・リリース。 INDUSTRIAL MUSICの作法を取り入れつつ、Maniacが近年取り組んでいるモジュラーシンセサイザーを大きくフューチャーし、冷徹なビート、ギター、変調したボーカル、Okuboのジャンク、エレクトロニクスが触手のようにもつれ合い描かれる冷たく荒廃した風景。 人類が精神的あるいは政治的柱として被支配を求めてきたもの、魂を委ねてきたもの、存在の根拠としてきたもの。そうであることにまつろわぬ者たちからの烈しき声。 プロダブド45分カセット、ビニルパック仕様、アートワーク封入。 DLコード無し。配信無し。再販予定無し。完全限定販売。 LTD 95、 Maniac - An artist living in Oslo, Norway widely known as SEPTIC CUNTS, as Vocalist on many masterpieces(Deathcrush EP!) when he was with MAYHEM, as a central figure of the project SEHNSUCHT with Vivianslaughter (ex.GALLHAMMER) and Andrew Liles (NURSE WITH WOUND),and as a member of SKITLIV, a band that current93 is also involved in production of the Album”Amfetamin”. Masahiko Okubo - his known been active as one man power electronics militia LINEKRAFT with a sincere and sturdy attitude in Tokyo since the 00’s, as an evolved form the junk band MOTHRA, and has been releasing his music on prestigious labels such as TESCO and HOSPITAL PRODUCTION. This is the first solo physical release of KOGNITIV KOLLAPS(Norwegian for "cognitive collapse".), the duo project started as Maniac's solo project in 2019, and Okubo joined the project in 2020. Aware of the industrial music manners, Maniac's modular synthesizers, cold beats, guitars, modulated vocals. and Okubo's junk and electronics are tangle together like tentacles to create a cold, desolate soundscape. What humanity has desired to control as a spiritual or political pillar, what we have surrendered our souls to, what we have taken as the basis of our existence.fierce voices from those who do not wish to be. Produbbed C-45(TYPE-I), Vinyl packed with artwork. No DL code. No Digital distribution. No plans for reproduction. Limited edition. 95 copies of the standard edition, YOU DECIDE whether you'll listen to its will even if it destroy the package, or whether you'll stow it away in a locked glass case with smugly until you get tired of it!"
Takuro Jinbo - Wither CDR
新興レーベル L.O.T.F. Recordsより、 SNSで、モノクロームな ショートカット動画で一部のノイズマニアにのみ知られていたTakuro Jinboの1stが遂にリリース 。 終始、一人の人間の怨恨をコンセプトに、情緒不安定に枯れてゆく様を、 ストーリーとして構築した雑音世界。 モジュラーシンセ等を使用し、Harsh Noise・ Cut-up Harsh・ Dark Ambient・Industrial と多彩かつ虚無的、映像的に表現された、 'Cinematic Noise ' 全14曲。 「ラストのScarは穏やかなアンビエントで、暗雲な流れからの唯一の救いの様にも見えるが、事を実行した後の人間の身勝手な爽快感の帰路を現し、それでも空は青く風は心地よく、世の中は通常通り回っている様と感じて頂ければ、救いどころの話ではなく、テーマのラストに相応しい虚無感かと思う - Takuro Jinbo 」 CD-R Limited Edition 32. DVDケース、ナンバリング入り
NOISECONCRETE x 3CHI5 - Worth living hunter Tape
ダンスフロアを引き裂くように設計された前向きな5つの新曲です。 心に響く感動的なカットです。魅惑的なビート、ノイズの振動、 響き渡る妖艶な3CHI5の力強い共鳴で、 カレイドスコープのようなめくるめく変化を楽しめるサウンドです! C-30 cassette tape Limited Edition 150. DLコード、缶バッチ付き
Hyakuyoso - Retrospective Tape
Hyakuyosoは、Koh Takahashiのソロプロジェクトです。 2013年に始動。ヴィンテージ・ラジオやいくつかのシンセサイザーを使って、空間や宇宙的なドローン/エクスペリメンタル・ミュージックを演奏しています。 そして、これらの曲はほとんどがHeavy droneです。 宇宙に放り出され、絶望の中を延々と漂う暗く美しい音世界。 しかし、癒しを感じることもあります。 C-30 cassette tape Limited Edition 100. DLコード、缶バッチ付き
LUNUS - Aftermath Tape
Deathbed Tapes(USA)リリースカセット Industrial, Dark Ambient pro dubbed, black shells, black and clear norelcos, pro printed covers
DAYOFWRATH - And The World Will Perish In Flames Tape
Cloister Recordings(USA)リリース、カセットテープ Pro-dubbed and printed cassette in norelco case with a pro-printed O-Card. Limited to 100 copies. Debut EP from Barcelona’s DayOfWrath; turgid and rhymically-inclined death industrial for end of tymes.
RICHARD RAMIREZ & DAVID GILDEN - 'Collaborations 1 & 2' 2 x CD
Old Captain(ウクライナ)リリース 2 x CD "Collaborations #1 and #2" were recorded in 1994 and have remained rare, sought-after noise documents ever since. It was also during this time that the Texans began their harsh noise project Lingula. Originally jointly released in 1995 in small cassette editions by both artist's labels (Deadline Recordings / Get A Job Records), two classics of true Noise are now assembled together for the first time and produced as a double set: 'Collaboration #1' features the late David Gilden (Black Leather Jesus, Slave Labor) on guitar and compressor, with Richard Ramirez (Black Leather Jesus, Werewolf Jerusalem) using sheet metal, voice, and radio; 'Collaboration #2' features Ramirez using source material provided by Gilden. Ltd x 200 copies in a matt-laminated double digipak https://oldcaptain.bandcamp.com/album/richard-ramirez-david-gilden-collaborations-1-2
SLOGUN - Tearing Up Your Plans CD
Old Captain(ウクライナ)リリース CD Originally released in 1999 on the Armed And Loaded Label (and reissued by Old Captain in 2015), "Tearing Up Your Plans" is a landmark release in the Slogun discography. This full-length title features some of the strongest titles in the Slogun arsenal such as: 'Scum Junkies', 'Slobland' and 'You and I'. Celebrating / commiserating 25 years of this American True Crime / Power Electronics artist in 2021, delve into some of the original material that set the Slogun path on its course through crime, self-loathing and the human animal's worst traits. Digipak with revised artwork, slightly different than the previous O.C. edition. Ltd x 100 copies (!). ACT FAST! https://youtu.be/SZG9RHxgqtk
SLOGUN - Nothing. Ever. CD
Old Captain(ウクライナ)リリース CD "Nothing you do will ever matter. Nothing. Ever.". The first full-length release by American True Crime Electronics project Slogun since "I Will Bury You" in 2013. Eleven new tracks, the last of which is the 12-minute piece from his side-project Self. Continuing his journey inward, "Nothing. Ever." delves deeper into self-hate, disgust and the absolute exhaustion of escaping the foundation of which his life was built on: failure and all of its expectations and realizations. Slogun spews truth about self-actualization, manipulation, denial and justification, while Self finishes everything off with pure defeat. The end of it all. Featuring Slogun’s own art and handwriting, "Nothing. Ever." quite possibly closes out a 23-year journey through the depths of one-man's disgust at himself, at the notion of "civility", at victimization and of the human animal. Ltd x 300 copies in a 6-panel digipak. https://soundcloud.com/oldcaptain/slogun_wish-for-it_nothing-ever
TAPE DEKAY - Decadimento Del Nastro - Decadenza Di Tutto CD
Old Captain(ウクライナ)リリース CD The long-awaited debut album by Tape Dekay, aka BJ Nilsen (Hazard, Morthound). The first appearance of this analogue musique concrete / noise project was back in 1999 on the Cold Meat Industry sampler "Estheticks Of Cruelty" (as Tape Decay). The second appearance was on the 2009 cassette compilation "White Nights", released by Private Edition. The content of this new CD has been created with the Automatic Music Control System developed by ONKYO and the Elettrocardiograf by Officine Galileo. Informed by psychotronic distress, thought insertion, electronic harassment and the Frey effect. These 7 recordings reveal harsh and fragmented soundscapes tainted by disembodied voices, squelch and hyper charged feedback. Ltd x 300 copies in a digipak. https://soundcloud.com/oldcaptain/tape-dekay_profondo-e-pesante_decadimento-del-nastro-decadenza-di-tutto?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Foldcaptain%252Ftape-dekay_profondo-e-pesante_decadimento-del-nastro-decadenza-di-tutto
CONTROL - The Abattoir CD
Old Captain(ウクライナ)リリース CD "The Abattoir" is Control's stunning rarity that covers the 2003-2006 period and features long sold out and highly sought-after CDR EPs, as well as compilation tracks. Recorded and mastered at Misanthrope Studio more than 15 years ago the selected monoliths bring back intense memories of the project's history and solidify its unique place in the US power electronics scene. Ltd x 300 copies in a digipak with A3 poster, featuring exclusive artwork from Mauro Berchi. https://youtu.be/2kB7Y25z2Tg