FM EINHEIT - Exhibition Of A Dream 2CD
Twelve dreams of musicians, artists, and filmmakers, interpreted by FM Einheit (ex-EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN), with voices by: Lee Ranaldo (SONIC YOUTH), Genesis Breyer P-Orridge (PSYCHIC TV / THROBBING GRISTLE), Susan Stenger (BAND OF SUSANS), Émilie Pitoiset, Erika Stucky, and the Gubenkian Choir; with guest musicians: Volker Kamp, Saskia von Klitzing, Robert Poss, and Susan Stenger. Exhibition Of A Dream (L'exposition D'un Rêve) is formed of twelve dreams interpreted as songs. Exploded in time, these are played as temporary and evolving patterns of shapes and forms in an otherwise empty gallery following the drawings of mandalas. Exhibition Of A Dream highlights the complex beauty of how to generate a dream in the mind of the spectator. A shared experience to be lived within our own personal inner space, these remastered dreams are an invitation to listen to a sensitive architecture of words and music. Created 2017, recorded both in public and in private in the amphitheatres and the garden of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon, and in Einheit's own studio Steinschlag. The dreamers were: Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Lee Ranaldo, Émilie Pitoiset, Susan Stenger, Susie Green, David Link, Pierre Paulin, Alexandre Estrela, Tim Etchells, Gabriel Abrantes, FM Einheit, and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. Originally released as a 3LP set, and only ever available at the 2018 exhibition at the Foundation. Presented in a 6-panel matt-laminate double digipak. https://youtu.be/ZnBqTvCYS0I https://youtu.be/tOadOkmrSdI
Θ - Total Division CD
Zoharum(ポーランド)リリースCD Experimental, Dark Ambient, Drone Behind Θ (Theta) project stands Themistoklis Altintzoglou hailing from Greece and currently residing in Tromso, Northern Norway. He has been releasing music since 2013 and is also half of the duos metatag and isolation. Θ has been collaborating with Mitsumidai on Brazilian horror film soundtracks (Uptake Fear & the Hand), background music for podcasts and has contributed with soundscapes and atmospherics for Tau Cross and WAR//PLAGUE albums. “Total Division” presents 9 mysterious, and doom-driven tracks that are drowned in distortion and reverb. On this album, Theta unleashes powerful, dense and textural music that you can almost touch. Altintzoglou states that his origins are rooted in hardcore punk and whatever it may be – punk, black or doom metal - you can clearly hear that guitar sound is the center of his inspirations and sources. As bold as this statement may be - Maeror Tri comes to mind but put into contemporary context. This is the most ”metal” album we’ve released so far and couldn’t be happier about it. “Total Division” is the example of those rare situations, when the Artist reached out to us directly and we immediately knew we want to release this fantastic piece of work. CD edition of 350 copies comes in a 6 panel ecopack. https://youtu.be/U2NjkvhNO0o
NOISECONCRETE x 3CHI5は、2013年名古屋で結成。 トリップホップ、インダストリアル、ハードコアパンク、 エクスペリメンタルな要素も孕んだ、ジャンルレスなハイブリッドニュースタイルミュージックを展開している。 sssmからリリースし速攻でソールドアウトになった、 現在入手困難な 2016年発表の1stアルバム『砂・時・計』、 2017年発表の2ndアルバム『思想のトランジット』から厳選したベストアルバム。 オムニバス作品の収録曲や、ドイツのインダストリアルユニット・dazzling malicious、swanikaらの楽曲をリミックスした未発表曲も収録する。 また、ex.ABSURD GODのXIGVN氏によるリマスタリングにより繊細かつアグレッシブな音像を実現。 Nx3のレーベル「Dizcollage」からのリリース アートワークは自身らによるコラージュ作品を使用している。 https://youtu.be/wGueamK-ebM
名古屋レペゼン、異端の音楽UNIT、NOISECONCRETE×3CHI5の6曲入りNEW MINI ALBUM「小さなモーメント」。自身のレーベルDizcollageとOOVの共同リリースで発売する。 映画/爆裂都市の主人公ブルーを演じた、大林真由美の描いた鮮烈なカバーアート(ジャケ他、随所に彼女のアートワークが施されている)も印象的な、彼らの魅力が詰まった決定版といった趣の全6曲。 https://youtu.be/pMdibzZiXAw
NOISECONCRETE X 3CHI5 - Trick passport CD
NOISECONCRETE X 3CHI5 / Trick passport (CD) 2013年、名古屋で結成された『NOISECONCRETEx3CHI5 (ノイズコンクリートサンチコ) 』は、ハーシュノイズアーティストでトラックメイカーの「NOISECONCRETE」と、ボーカルでボイスパフォーマー「3CHI5」による2人組ユニット。パンク/ハードコアをバックボーンに持ちつつも、トリップホップやインダストリアル、エクスペリメンタルな要素も孕んだハイブリッドなニュースタイルミュージックであらゆるシーンで活動中。2016年と2017年に発表された2枚のオリジナルアルバムの中の楽曲を国内外、各シーンの最先端で活躍する8組のアーティストらがリミックス。セルフカバーも含んだ最新リミックスアルバム"Trick passport"を新たに起ちあげた自主レーベルDizcollageより2019年12月リリース。アートワークは文様作家のApsu Shuseiが担当している。 Track List: 1. 木漏れ日の塵 - Government Alpha remix 2. エルンストの幻想 - RAMZA remix 3. 迷宮の旅/追求の旅 - GC remix 4. フィーリングコネクター - SALT remix 5. マジックミラールーム - OWLBEATS remix 6. わたしたちの言葉で - Soloist Anti Pop Totalization remix 7. Strange Prosperity - Joke Lanz remix 8. 溶けない氷 - Contagious Orgasm remix 9. 思想のトランジット - NOISECONCRETE x 3CHI5 https://youtu.be/G8egfPv5Mqk https://youtu.be/o0x9cNyZ2b8
Oxidation(USA)リリースCD mo·dus op·e·ran·di /ˌmōdəs ˌäpəˈrandē,ˌmōdəs ˌäpəˈrandī/ noun "a particular way or method of doing something, especially one that is characteristic or well-established." What does Modus Operandi mean though when it comes to Elden M. and Allegory Chapel Ltd.? ACL has been so varied over the years and has shown he is a master of all sorts of genres. Modus Operandi the new album by Allegory Chapel Ltd. perfectly encapsulates many of those past genre-defining moments in one CD. Modus Operandi also features the track Distributed Organs, Flesh Feedback [Instrumental] featuring Marfisia Bel, and the track ICBM which is a collaboration with Monte Cazazza.
Oxidation(USA)リリースCD Paul Harrison has been on a prolific creation streak recently hand has been working under various monikers but the most famous is probably Expose Your Eyes. Looking through his discography you can see Paul is no stranger to collaborations. For this release a formidable collaborator was chosen, Howard Stelzer is also no slouch when it comes to this type of thing. Howard has been absolutely stepping up his game with releases that also feature source material from others. One Should Never Cease Considering Human Love, Which Remains as Grisly and Golden as Ever is a powerful tour de force which features iconic recognizable sounds from each artist and melds perfectly into an excellent 30+ minute single piece. synthesizers, tapes, instruments, etc composed/recorded 2019/2020 by Paul Harrison & Howard Stelzer
Death Cult Ritual - Death Ultra. C19
Modern Decadence(メキシコ)リリース・カセット A newly raw, unfiltered and pure midwest junk metal abuse from Death Cult Ritual has arrived, this is 19 minutes of ultra violent harsh noise that you are already familiar with, and if you are not we suggest you to do so. DCR has been really active for the past 3 years, doing excellent releases with labels such as Deathbed Tapes, Foul Prey and Breathing Problem Productions, so if you new to them we suggest you to start here. Professional duplicated C19, limited to 60 copies. Listen to a sample: https://soundcloud.com/modern-decadence/death-cult-ritual-death-ultra-excerpt
Dark ritualistic post mortem works from Kristian Olsson (Alfarmania / Survival Unit) made in 2012. Originally released as private cassette in small circulation. Here released with one additional track from same period. Freak Animal Records https://youtu.be/C6fCcRrncwk
Capsular - Fatalism. Tape
Format Noise(ドイツ)リリース・カセット Audio Cassette indcluding download code limited to 50 pieces Noise, Dark Ambient, Abstract Capsular is a project founded in 2010 by Mirko Hentrich, who is also active in electronic music scene with other projects like Spherical Disrupted and more. Capsular produces quiet, loud, but always dark and menacing soundscapes. "Fatalism" is the second regular album by Capsular and the first one on Format Noise. Expect a exhausting journey through a very frightening convolute of sounds in six tracks. Dark noise loops are hitting on menacing atmospheres with painful cries and cascaded effects. No beats, no synths, no pads. https://formatnoise.bandcamp.com/track/b2-drastic
[rotten:burg] & myeyesgrowdarker - Mass Destruction. Tape
Format Noise(ドイツ)リリース・カセット Audio Cassette indcluding download code limited to 50 pieces Noise, Rhythmic Noise, Drone, Experimental [rotten:burg] creates a dystopian atmosphere with processed field recordings and deep drones, whereas myeyesgrowdarker delves deep into noise experimentation, screaming distortion and rhythm & noise elements. サンプル https://formatnoise.bandcamp.com/track/a2-gods-are-cannibals
Naxal Protocol - Topologies Of Absence. Tape
Format Noise(ドイツ)リリース・カセット Audio Cassette indcluding download code limited to 50 pieces Power Electronics Written during the second half of 2017, this is unambiguously the most mature release of industrial power electronics outfit Naxal Protocol. Arguably, it is also the harshest. Brought to you by the personnel behind 1990s Italian rhythmic power electronics cult act Cazzodio and half of the critically acclaimed Italo-Nippon old school industrial outfit CazzoKraft, this tape adopts a gangrenous acousmatic approach to build maximalist noisescapes with feedback loops, subtly rhythmic modular synthesis, rusted metal loops, and heavily processed field recordings. Inspired by the bleak materiality of dystopian nightmares suddenly becoming real, Naxal Protocol avoids the pretense of pseudo-conceptual anti-art, but also the boneheaded naiveté of copycat power electronics. This is a project rooted in cerebral viscerality, aimed at those who are aware that clinging to factual reality while enjoying virgin flesh is in itself the supreme act of defiance. A perverted message reasserting life as an experiment in excess. サンプル https://formatnoise.bandcamp.com/track/a-first-topology-odoeroticism-factualism-as-radical-resistance
T/N - Masters Of Our Fate. Tape
Format Noise(ドイツ)リリース・カセット Audio Cassette indcluding download code limited to 50 pieces Noise, Dark Ambient, Industrial Format Noise/ catalogue number 01 - is the new release from german project T/N and marks a new chapter for our label. This tape release is strictly limited to 50 cassettes and includes the digital download. With “Masters of Our Fate” T/N created an album that combines dark ambient atmospheres with industrial landscapes. Distorted voices find their way through dreamlike melodies melting into a wall of sound.The album´s complexity demands multiple listening sessions to get the full impact of this amazing piece of work. サンプル https://formatnoise.bandcamp.com/track/a2-masters-of-our-fate-2
Circuitnoise - coronal loops of noise - core. Tape
Format Noise(ドイツ)リリース・カセット Audio Cassette indcluding download code limited to 50 pieces Noise, Experimental, Ambient, Drone This time Circuitnoise explores the coronal loops of the sun. The magnetic flux within the solar body gets twisted and mangled and create these giant loops. These loops of fire are emitting electromagnetic pulses, which could be recorded by radio telescopes all over the world. On the search for new sounds Circuitnoise uses the electromagnetic sounds of the sun and combine them with electromagnetic fieldrecordings from earth to a dark, rumbling and screaming sound collage. The coronal loops of noise is a trilogy consisting of the recordings core, matter and fusion. サンプル https://formatnoise.bandcamp.com/track/coronal-loops-of-noise-core
B.P. - Zhiishiibi-Zhiibiing CS
Absurd Exposition(カナダ)リリース・カセット A placid study of shoreline life in Manitoba's interior through noise, field recordings and tape loops. The album title is in Ojibwe and is pronounced "ve-sheep see-be", which translates to "Duck River", where all the field recordings were taken at. The name today is Duck Bay Reservation, local folk call it Duck River. Bret Parenteau (ARDOR, GASHKADIN) is a Winnipeg sound artist. Primarily performing under his B.P. moniker, he is head of the Makade Star and (now-defunct) Male Activity labels. Edition of 78 pro-dubbed tapes. Includes download code. サンプル https://absurdexposition.bandcamp.com/track/stone-cairn
GRIEFER - Communication Denial CS
Absurd Exposition(カナダ)リリース・カセット A follow up to 2017's "Egress Report", and an appearance on Tesco's "Projekt Neue Ordnung II" compilation, "Communication Denial" is perhaps Griefer's most concise effort to date. Lyrics about surveillance culture, data mining, dark web endeavours and classic hacker exploits aimed at big tech are shouted over the signature looped barrages of clanging metal, sawing blades and resounding alarms that have come to define Griefer's sound over the past 17 years. Instrumentals such as "Palantir" bring to mind rattling server rack mounts deep in cold storage, while the sonic revving-up of "787 Avionics Network" gives way to a manufacturing-line march to the beat of Boeing's half truths and guises, markedly in order: "We will not provide any evidence / You will trust us implicitly." "Communication Denial" is a welcomed timely return to Absurd Exposition amid elections tampering, foreign influences on social media, and general heightened digital paranoia. "A future of widespread distrust is upon us." Edition of 105 tapes pro-dubbed in real time with paper labels. The first 100 copies include download codes. サンプル https://absurdexposition.bandcamp.com/track/imsi-catching
ANDREW NOLAN - Museum Etiquette CS
Absurd Exposition(カナダ)リリース・カセット Andrew Nolan (INTENSIVE CARE, WOLFAGRAM) returns once again to Absurd Exposition, following "Background Music" (2018) and "We Know Now What a Modern Society Can Do with a Parking Lot" (2016). This latest effort, "Museum Etiquette", continues the theme of urban anxiety explored through processed field recordings of various dialogues, intense encounters, overheard incidents, trains, rain and the general hustle and bustle of the city weaved into the fabric of a modulated noise soundscape. The A-side starts with metal bars clanging and suddenly you're stuck in a cell (or in traffic, transit, or some greater definition), being slowly squeezed by the increasing pressure of the outside world as it drones, hums, and buzzes around you, with any exit appearing ever distant. The B-side brings to mind both classic industrial and early 80s electronic music scores with faint reminisces of Throbbing Gristle a la "After Cease to Exist" and John Carpenter shining through. All in all, "Museum Etiquette" is a sensible continuation of, and expansion upon, the works Nolan has previously put forth. Edition of 126 pro-dubbed tapes with pad-printed labels. The first 100 copies include download codes. サンプル https://survivalistdeathcult.bandcamp.com/track/museum-etiquette-1
NAXAL PROTOCOL - The Stasi File C20
Arising from the ashes of Cazzodio, Naxal Protocol paves the way for a telluric, warmongering power electronics, reminding the molotov blasts of The Grey Wolves and Survival Unit. The CD released by Eibon Records “The Guilty Should Get What They Deserve!” set the role of the citizen inside a state-controlled system. THE STASI FILE resumes the terror of the ill-famed police of the late DDR to establish an analogy with the recent disorders of Ferguson e Baltimora. Two long tracks of ominous electronics, sometimes rough, sometimes wrapped in a suffocating atmosphere. An endless descent into the disorders, among flames and billy clubs, between the abuse of the authority and the social impotence. Wrapped in a 'top secret' envelope with inserts Limited edition of 130 copies Samples: https://soundcloud.com/nilbymouthrec OR https://nilbymouthrec.bandcamp.com/
Edge of Decay - Riistettyjen Antologia. CD
Edge of Decay - Riistettyjen Antologia. CD AUSSAAT(ドイツ)リリースCD Second CD by this new Finnish extreme-noise monster after the debut on FREAK ANIMAL. Finlands own Harsh Noise destroyer offers you once again sound violence from the darkest corners of the modern world. A little bit more nuanced than Edge of Decay's older tape releases but still ugly and crushing like never before. 43 minutes of metal junk beating, violent shouts, some industrial flavour and Finnish noise chaos. Vocals in "Anti-Ihminen" & "Kurista Kauneus" by Kovana. Limited edition of 200 copies in Super Jewel Case. Tracklist: 1. Itkuvirsi 2. Projektio Kivusta 3. T.L.S. 4. Anti-Ihminen (feat. Kovana) 5. Käsky 6. Syövyttävä 7. Kurista Kauneus (feat. Kovana) 8. Harhakuva サンプル https://youtu.be/RcKLo1y71Yg https://youtu.be/RcKLo1y71Yg
Gutenberg - Weekdays For Locals. Cassette
名古屋を拠点に活動するインダストリアル系イベント&レーベル"faktoria"から、レーベル主宰者Shouji Sakuraiによるユニット。 インダストリアル/ミニマル/ドローン/テクノ/エレクトロニカまで様々な断片が高次元で融合したGutenbergの1st カセット。 繊細な感性でラップトップとメタルジャンクを併用する独自のサウンドスタイルで構成される独特な雰囲気を醸し出した楽曲集です。 C-30 cassette tape Limited Edition 100. DLコード、缶バッチ付き サンプル https://soundcloud.com/sssm/gutenberg-glinder-accident
Genre:Power Electronics Record Label:New Approach Records Back in 2015, by the same time TAETER´s debut release on vinyl came out (“THE HUNT HAS GONE FULL CIRCLE” 7” on Narcolepsia), André Coelho (SEKTOR 304/METADEVICE) created some material based on the reinterpretation of various source materials used on the recording sessions for that same 7”. The idea was to do a special tape edition, but it never materialized. Recently, André exhumed his archives and suggested the reactivation of this forgotten plan. Nicola contributed with alternative versions of the two tracks that came in that original release, and the collaboration took shape in its updated incarnation. While listening to this material now, it is safe to say it has passed the test of time, retaining its atmosphere of uneasiness, its pulsating decrepitude, the personal recounts of over-sexualized failure whispered to our ears by a sweaty entity. André shreds Nicola´s seed unto a more arid and diluted fluid, infusing it with a twisted sci-fi vibe, a vile mechanical eroticism that deforms and suffocates its host. Minimal and obsessive, “slow and steady”, degraded past recognition as the blurry memories of an old late night amateur webcam session. Making sense on its own, as a consistent “new” record, or as a companion object for TAETER completists - there must be some out there, right? - “THE HERMENEUTICS OF THE HUNT HAS GONE FULL CIRCLE” should hopefully help to expose more listeners to this excellent project, and particularly to that defining moment in its discography, still one of the absolute best Power Electronics 7” in recent years. Limited edition of 200 CD https://youtu.be/Pax7TAR_JDg
Cold Springリリース Style: Drone / Ambient / Experimental Format: CD in digipak A posthumous collaboration between the late Phil Western (DOWNLOAD, BEEHATCH), Jesse Creed (THE PASSENGER) and Mark Spybey (DOWNLOAD, DEAD VOICES ON AIR, REFORMED FACTION, BEEHATCH). Both Phil and Jesse shared a love for vintage analogue synthesizers such as the VCS3, and the music for "W ands" was largely created using this equipment. In the spirit of how it was created, Spybey added improvised passages using his collection of homemade and ethnic instruments and then edited the pieces. Phil would often talk about being 'taken away' by music. Both Jesse and Mark have laboured to do this through their own music too, not as a means of escape but to transcend. This music strives to explore the desire to go beyond the ordinary everyday experience and to reach a place where the egos and the individual contributions of the players are largely inconsequential. A place where time doesn't really matter. A place of healing and invention. An album of expansive drones and analogue electronics, which will undoubtedly appeal to fans of Coil, Nurse With Wound, Zoviet France. サンプル https://soundcloud.com/coldspring/sets/western-creed-spybey-w-ands
LLYN Y CWN - Dinorwic CD
Cold Springリリース Style: Dark Ambient Format: CD in 6-panel digipak Llyn Y Cwn conveys atmosphere and environment through deep ambient sounds. The sound of nature re-establishing itself in the post-industrial wilderness of a former quarry. A phantasm of echoes reflecting the bleak majesty and poetic melancholy of the hinterland of North Wales. A hole within a void, a place defined by absence in a world of negative space. The backdrop for this cavernous soundtrack is Dinorwic slate quarry. The field recordings were taken in this vast subterranean environment where an exposed scar of rock is carved out of the mountainside on the western slope of Elidir Fawr in Snowdonia, North Wales. Standing alone in the quarry, which covers 700 acres up to a height of 600m, it isn't difficult to imagine work going on around you with the abandoned industrial landscape juxtaposed against the backdrop of the majestic Snowdonia skyline. Each track is named after an area of the quarry, descending ever deeper through each rock gallery, with their acoustically unique echoes and sounds. The landscape is in a state of constant flux with small avalanches of rock and spoil slate tumbling over itself - it was such a landslide that led to the eventual demise of the quarry. The hydroelectric power station, built deep underground inside the mountain, can be heard rumbling away through the various air shafts dotted around the quarry, adding to the overall ominous feel of the pieces. File next to fellow Welshman Lustmord. Presented in a 6-panel digipak with breathtaking photography by the artist. サンプル https://youtu.be/PIgDtwXc34M
Cold Springリリース Style: Dark Folk / Ritual / Dark Ambient Format: CD in 6-panel digipak LA BREICHE ("the witch") features YAN AREXIS (Stille Volk / Sus Scrofa / Common Eider, King Eider / Coume Ouarnède), and PATRICK LAFFORGUE (Stille Volk / Sus Scrofa / Hantaoma). The two musicians are also the creators of the cult festival LHomme Sauvage, held in Midi-Pyrenees each year. After their 2017 debut "Le Mal des Ardents" (Cold Spring), "Le Rite" opens a new door, with post-folk sounds close to post-rock, influenced by ancient music, with folk used in a modernist way. Dark, ambient and yet mystical... deep with grandiose landscapes. The sound of La Breiche is situated at the crossroads of early music and dark ambient; ambient music, industrial music with a strong ritual dimension. Their electro-acoustic is music based on old instruments such as the hurdy-gurdy, mixed with analogue synths, field recordings, and ritual objects, taking a mystified look at nature, archaic societies, rites, beliefs and lores, animism. Presented in a stunning 6-panel digipak with artwork by Dehn Sora. For fans of: Bark Psychosis, Sigur Ros, Wolves In The Throne Room, Hexvessel, Ulver, Rosa Crux. サンプル https://youtu.be/09Sf7PaQ7Bw